Brother Bemused

Reference: Christian Nationalism · 28 min read


## What Is It? Phillip Gorski, author of *American Covenant*, defines the Christian nationalism movement as “a loose confederation of people and institutions that share a certain narrative about American history. In rough outline: America was founded as a Christian nation; the Founding Fathers were evangelical Christians; the Nation’s laws and founding documents were indirectly based on “biblical” principles, or even directly inspired by God, Himself. ...

"Christian" nationalism? · 6 min read


As a word person, I’m fascinated (and often frustrated) by the way words get co-opted, coming to mean the opposite of their original intent. Take the current lingo that describes something really good as really “bad.” What’s with that? Good wasn’t good enough? ...

Still... · 11 min read


Some thoughts I shared on Memorial Day at the nuclear weapons plant in Kansas city: Still… On this Memorial Day, here at the entrance of this Edifice of Apocalypse, we choose life, even as we did more than a decade ago when this was a productive bean field, and we stood before the earth movers to halt their un-natural despoilment and destruction. ...

The Big Lie · 7 min read


I should probably content myself with the very sage observation made by my younger brother: “Humans. You can’t explain ‘em.” ...

The Downward Spiral · 1 min read


I returned yesterday from a 4-day vacation from the news to learn that Israel has increased its number of attacks on Gaza to 250 DAILY. ...

Dirt-y movie · 6 min read


I went to a dirt-y movie last night…and I highly recommend it! Now that I’ve tweaked your prurient interest, maybe I should more accurately say: I went to a soil-y movie last night.…and I highly recommend it! ...

Thoughts from Boot Hill · 3 min read


Some say the best things in life are not things. And while I’d generally agree, some things really ARE the best. In that category I’d include my beloved hiking boots. ...

Pro Israel? Pro Palestine? Or Pro Civilian? · 4 min read


Does being pro-Palestinian make you anti-Israeli? Does being pro-Israeli mean make you anti-Palestinian? One might think so, with heated rhetoric and public protests casting the current Gaza war in either/or, black-or-white, dichotomies. ...

War! What Is It Good For? · 4 min read


Back when I was a pup I grooved to The Temptation’s tune asking, “War! What is it good for?” The answer they offered was “ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!” Now that I’m an old dog, however, I beg to differ. ...

The Lunatics We Deserve? · 5 min read


*Every age gets the lunatics it deserves.* - Roy Porter, British historian As the lunatic fringe in the United States captures more and more of what once was centrist territory, the question becomes, How could this happen? How could the Republican majority in the House of Representatives be immobilized by eight far-right representatives of their own party, canceling the vote of some 200 colleagues? ...